When an accident occurs, call our office right away. We will assess your situation and recommend next steps. We provide emergency care in office or you can call our main office line which is also a 24-hour emergency call line.
If our office is closed, you should proceed to your nearest hospital.
Any sudden changes to your vision should be considered an eye care emergency.
Sudden onset of any of the following symptoms may also indicate an emergency:
Call our office immediately should you experience any of these issues.
DO flush your eye with cold water in the event of chemical contact.
DO clean your hands before touching your eye.
DO lightly cover the eye without applying pressure.
DO seek immediate medical attention.
DO NOT use tools anywhere near the eye area.
DO NOT rub the eye or apply pressure of any kind.
DO NOT try to remove any large foreign objects.
DO NOT apply any medications, drops, or ointments.
DO NOT remove contact lenses (except in the case of a chemical splash).